Accommodation in Compiègne – Residence Poincaré During the second week, students will be accommodated in the Residence Poincaré in Compiègne. The hotel is situated in 35 Impasse Jean de la Fontaine, 60280 Margny-lès-Compiègne, just behind the railway station of Compiègne. The residence
Accommodation in Verrès – Hotel Evançon During the first week, students will be accommodated in the Evançon hotel in Verrès. The hotel is situated in Via Circonvallazione, 33, five minute walk from the railway station of Verrès. The hotel has an external
Un open day pour un open lab” est un événement dédié au fablab de l’UTC. Le vendredi 19 février 2016, le centre d’innovation ouvre ses portes à tous : étudiants, enseignants, grand public, porteurs de projet, entreprises, … la découverte des outils
Registration will close soon. Please, if you consider participating in the DIPFablab winter school submit your application without any further delay.
Today let’s focus on UTCoupe who has participated at the French Robotic Cup on May 2015 ! This major event brings together 1500 participants from engineering scool, universities or just passionate people ! Every year since 1996 the UTC has been participated.
Innovation is the keyword of the UTC. To implement its motto « Give a sense to innovation », the university developed a Fablab. This one makes all the tools available to the students to improve their creativity and inventiveness. UTC’s Fablab is
Guy Deniélou founded the University of Technology of Compiègne in 1972 on a new model. UTC main goal is to train engineers and PhD students capable of understanding interactions between man and technology and evolve in a global competitive environment. The spirit
Imperial and royal city. Compiègne’s history is closely linked to its forest rich in games. The city was truly born in the IX century under the will of Charles the Bald. The love of hunting made almost every sovereign to stay in Compiègne (François the First, Louis XV, Napoléon etc.). The second

Welcome everyone! We are glad to announce the first edition of the winter school on tools and methods for the design of innovative products in Fablab thanks to the help of Sorbonne Universités. The school will be held during two weeks in
Fablab students presenting their 3D printers The Fablab UTC provides several 3D printers to realize your projects. Here are the two available models: Ultimaker² : Duty cycle: 230 x 225 x 205 mm Nozzle diameter: 0.4mm Accuracy: 0.02mm Material: PLA / ABS